Tue, 23 Jul 1996

On freedom of speech

When mystery writer subscribes to this paper he/she delegates to the editors the task of finding what he/she wants to read. There are people bound by social conventions who find asking hard questions disturbing. Such readers prefer their reading material to be sterilized before being published. Controversial topics should not be emphasized. Complexities of economic policy or quantitative analyses of public problems should receive only minimal attention.

They are taken aback if we go to the heart of the matter. News is for them largely an alternative to other forms of entertainment. But there are people from distinct cultural backgrounds who do not like to sink their head in the sand nor to be taken for a ride. And they are talking back. You have to put up with the Nigerian, the Indian, the Italian, the Brazilian and the Australian (I assume Mr. Gentry is Australian) who often write to "Your Letters." One cannot just brush aside other people's ideas by saying they are useless. One has to prove they are inconsistent or wrong.

