I would like to comment on Sartono Mukadis' letter (Kompas, May 18) on the Emotional Intelligence Quotient (EQ) which according to him, could not be measured. Mukadis gave examples to support his opinion and I agree with him.
I know a bit about the EQ from the Internet. The uniform resource locator (URL) address is http://www.utne.com/lens/bms/eq.html. Here, one can test their EQ directly by answering 10 questions and checking the score, ranging from 0 to 200. But I doubt the test. How can someone's EQ be measured only by answering ten questions?
I need to know more about the EQ. Perhaps, Mukadis or other readers of The Jakarta Post would kindly inform me of literature or other sources on the EQ. I appreciate your help. My fax number is (021) 2510484.