Wed, 11 Jun 2003

On education bill

The Jakarta Post's June 9, 2003 issue carried a story titled PDI Perjuangan seeks delay of education bill endorsement". I was appalled to learn that the debate over the bill only revolves around the issue of religion and not education. The arguments basically come down to Muslims supporting the bill and Catholics and Protestants opposing it.

I agree with Benny Susetyo in his article of the same day -- Will Galileo tragedy be repeated in education bill -- that the point of contention should rather be about providing quality education that will produce a new generation of mature and intellectual Indonesians who can think critically and rationally.

The education bill should be about education, not religion. The education bill should ensure that an engaging and stimulating education will be provided, while instilling students with important knowledge and valuable skills. The education bill should ensure that the education system will strive to produce responsible adults with a high standard of moral integrity, regardless of their religion.

The future of the nation depends on this, and thus the intent and implementation of the bill should be taken seriously.

I would also like to ask that the passage of the education bill be delayed until the more important issues -- issues regarding the educational content -- have been addressed.