Tue, 11 Mar 1997

On Eastern scientists

It would be a pity if letters like Derek Redican's (March 5) are left unanswered. The contradictions in such a short letter give one a factual understanding why there are, and were, such situations as Bosnia, the Holocaust, the Third Reich. From Eastern teachings there are ways to understand and use the lower and negative nature of man to assert himself and bicker to declare his preponderance over all others.

These teachings were obviously misused. While he teeters with his level of understanding on what is, he uses it, alas, to show the little depth of understanding, if at all, of human existence. The sorry state would be when many think the same way.

To join in the foray, where one pits one's nature against another, rather than understand its correlative nature, would be destructive. Which is why I say it constitutes of having a Third Reich.

When one fails to realize the complementary nature of the Eastern and Western men, of night and day, of black and white, of red and blue, then the ego, a formidable force indeed, will go right on and use real and imaginary ideas to pit one against the other. As like the statements in the letter of Redican.

Following the mind of the letter, that would mean Easterners were unclothed and unhoused prior to any association with Western man. When Redican said that there are no Eastern scientists he failed again to understand why there are no known Eastern scientist under the present "modern world".

But I will leave it to him to know why because to join in the foray is not the Eastern way. Or better yet, a shallow-minded way. I would suggest he learns first who are the Eastern Masters. What are their roles in the sciences and why they preferred to be low profile. Even to the point of nonexistence, albeit of material rewards.

As an Eastern man, I wish him all the luck to know Truth and Justice.

