Thu, 09 Mar 2000

On castration

I must agree with the reader who believes castration is an alternative measure to stop these "inhumane rapists". Understandably, it is a sensitive issue... But then again, so is a woman's mind, body and soul, if she is stripped of her dignity.

Why should any individual (female) be put through such an emotionally, frighteningly sick and tormenting humiliation by having a "demented and oversexed male" take over her body. What gives him the right? No one can explain the trauma better than one that has experienced such a horrifying act.

The memory must leave the individual with many scars, too many for one to list. How can a woman who has been traumatized, trust again, let alone, tell some one details of her trauma.

The rapist, on the other hand, blocks out all feelings or respect for a human being. His only quest is to derive pleasure and satisfaction from his act. The victim is not given a chance. In my belief, a rapist is born without sympathy toward the human race...This is an animal we are talking about and doesn't deserve to be part of our community. Not only is he abusing the people in our community, but degrading and humiliating and destroying the individual's mind, body and soul.

I must repeat, he is stripping the woman of everything she stands for and no one really has any idea how long she is effected outwardly or inwardly.

So if we know beyond reasonable doubt, the rape was without consent, why don't we strip the rapist of the same.. castration. Perhaps then, he can learn from his evil act. An eye for an eye... A tooth for a tooth.

