Tue, 23 Jul 1996

On British beef

The article published by your newspaper (July 14, 1996, British appeal over beef ban rejected), was reassuring and alarming at the same time. As pointed out in its second paragraph, there is no doubt that "there is possible link between Bovine Spongiform Encelophathy (BSE) or 'mad cow disease' and a fatal human brain condition." We must praise the European Court of Justice for having confirmed the ban.

But in the third paragraph of the same article, I noticed that "Britain had been confident that the ban would be suspended at least for export to countries outside the European Union" and this display of cynicism is alarming.

I believe that human life should be valued regardless of latitude and longitude and that the health of the most neglected or of the richest man must be worthy of the same respect and treatment.

Anyway, as a resident of Indonesia and also on behalf of the inhabitants of all countries which are "outside the EU," I congratulate Britain for the great consideration shown towards us and our children.

