Mon, 26 Jul 2004

On bird flue super vaccine

In reference to a news report on the City page on July 16 titled IPB, Japan to produce bird flu super vaccine, in order to avoid misperception in the international community, we would like to correct the error in the 10th paragraph.

It states: "The first round of production will be carried out by Shigeta, which has the infrastructure. We shall produce it ourselves after we have all the facilities -- maybe next year," he explained.

The paragraph infers that PT Bogor Life Science & Technology has no definite program to produce recombinant avian influenza vaccine, particularly the one with Shigeta technology. The program to be carried out by PT Bogor Life Science & Technology is to market Recombinant Avian Influenza Vaccine to Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, the Philippines and Vietnam.

So, the paragraph should be written as follows: "Shigeta will produce vaccines. We shall sell them in Indonesia and other Asian countries as agreed upon by the MOU and LoA".

KAMALUDDIN ZARKASIE, Operational Director, PT Bogor Life Science & Technology, Bogor, West Java