Mon, 27 May 1996

On art and pornography

I am compelled to respond to Mr. Kim Bergenser's letter Art and pornography in the May 9, 1996 edition of The Jakarta Post. I can understand your deep appreciation of art -- particularly of paintings -- which is evident from your avid interest in art matter published in different media such as Newsweek, The International Herald Tribune, and The Jakarta Post. However, I totally disagree with you on the displaying of pornography under the pretext of art appreciation.

Indonesia is a country which still holds firmly to its society's traditions and cultural values. Indonesia has a strong religious sense which has established tranquility and harmony in people's lives. Pornography is taboo and does not receive public exposure, no matter what the reason is. Therefore, pornography will never find its place in Indonesia's communities.

It may not be the case in Western societies, where pornography is not considered taboo and is allowed to develop according to Western norms.

