Fri, 27 Jul 2001

Nokia launches new product

JAKARTA (JP): Finnish handphone manufacturer Nokia introduced on Thursday its newest model, the Nokia 9210 Communicator, to the Indonesian market.

The 9210, unlike the older 9110i, is equipped with a color screen featuring 4096 colors.

In addition to standard handphone functions, the 9210 also operates as a personal digital assistant capable of accessing the Internet.

The phone can be used to write and edit Microsoft Office files such as Word, Excel and PowerPoint, as well as being able to send files to supplementary devices such as a printer, fax or another phone.

Content provider, inTouch, provides applications such as AiRoam for international Internet roaming and AirQuote for financial quotes sent by short message service (SMS).

The 9210 costs Rp 10 million (about US$1,000). (tnt)