Sat, 10 Jan 2004

From: Jawawa

No prayers for dead corruptors

From Warta Kota

The Corruption Eradication Commission as well as the anti- corruption movements organized by Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) and Muhammadiyah deserve the support of everybody longing to rid the country of this crime.

A decision of the recent working conference of NU's East Java regional board rules that no prayer service should be held at the funeral of a corruptor as corruption is the stealing of public money and therefore amounts to an evil deed.

If this regional NU ruling were to be applied nationwide, corruption would most likely be reduced as a Muslim who is buried without prayers is humiliated like an animal. So, let us not pray for deceased corruptors.

The Indonesian Ulemas Council should issue the same ruling as that adopted by the East Java board of the NU.