No nuclear plant
Referring to the article about nuclear energy in The Jakarta Post of July 18, 1995 (IAEA to help build nuclear reactor here), we really wonder how Mr. Blix could say that nuclear power was environmentally the "cleanest" source of energy.
A lot of information tells us about the effects and the causes of nuclear radiation. However, there are energy sources that are also clean and maybe even cleaner than nuclear power.
Indonesia is a tropical country and has a lot of sun power that has not been used effectively and optimally. We also have many rivers for generating electricity.
Building a nuclear power plant requires a large amount of money, and the risks are not comparable with the expenses.
In my opinion, the project is only a political means of the Indonesian government to show its own self-esteem. Therefore, we as citizens should not agree. Even if the proposal for the nuclear power plant is based on the crucial demand of electric power, the nuclear plant seems to be the worst choice.
We all want Indonesia to become a great country and a great nation, but we don't have to take a short cut to glory at the cost of people's safety.
Bandung, West Java