Thu, 27 Oct 1994

No fingerprints, please!

Our new baby and a trigger-happy wife brings me to the Kelapa Gading branch of Fuji Image Plaza virtually every other night to develop film, making endless reprints for framing and distribution to eager grandparents and friends, etc.

I've patiently endured the slow service, incorrect and omitted orders for some time, but it's a little thing that has finally done me in -- the big, fat juicy fingerprints that invariably cover my photographs, which no amount of rubbing with tissues, etc. will erase.

Could the management of Fuji Image Plaza (since they do not print mat pictures) please provide better training for their staff, perhaps to learn to hold photographs by their edges or at worst, to wear gloves when handling or counting the photographs.

A classic case of a small matter being a big source of irritation!

