Sun, 30 Jan 2000

No English subtitles

I would like to direct your attention to my article on Left Luggage, published in The Jakarta Post, on Jan. 28, 2000. It appears that a meaning has been accidentally changed through your misunderstanding. Here is my actual line at the end of the next to last paragraph: "With English substituting the local language, the film also lacks a sense of reality and becomes too simplistic and superficial." In the newspaper, it becomes "With English subtitles, the film lacks ...." For your information, there is no English subtitles in the film, as the whole film uses English. That's exactly my point, because it's a story set in Belgium, but the characters speak in English. If you missed it, you could have consulted with me before jumping to conclusion and make such an error. Now you have confused and misled the Post's readers, and you owe them, and I, an apologetic explanation. I think you would accomplish that by publishing this letter in your letter section.

