Fri, 07 Jan 2000

No cure no pay

Upon learning of a massage clinic in Batam that accepts patients for treatment on a no-cure, no-pay basis, a few of us visited Batam recently. While we consider the four of us to be healthy, we tried out the two-hour massage therapy of Yayasan Pijit Berdiploma Indonesia (Certified Massage Parlor) that was operating in Southlinks Country Club. We must all admit it was the best massage therapy we ever had.

Upon speaking to Murtisari, one of the two cofounders of the foundation and also to Mahaguru Rudy, we were really impressed by the foundation's track record in curing people that included the incapacitation from strokes and injuries sustained from accidents or otherwise.

We were also impressed by the social services provided by the foundation. We have spoken to most of the therapists, including three who have never been to school. They have learned the skills over a period ranging from six months to 10 months. They did not pay any fees. In addition, they were given free food and lodging and were paid a monthly allowance. They have however stopped taking in new students because of financial constraints.

Murtisari, the cofounder, and Grandmaster Rudy have requested us to direct them to foundations and other charitable organizations in Singapore for funds to enable them to start taking in more new students for in-house training.

Apart from that, the foundation is trying hard to find funds to set up a clinic that will accept patients, including the partially paralyzed, on its no-cure no-pay guarantee.

While we will do what we can from Singapore, we feel that The Jakarta Post, as the leading English daily in Indonesia should do something for them. We feel that the government should have a more direct role in helping this foundation to be able to spread its unique skills to as many people as possible in Indonesia. It is by far the most effective program to upgrade the economic skills of the poor, especially the lowly educated or even illiterate.

We have asked the foundation for a copy of their article on stress and stress-induced illnesses. We find the article to be logical and merits consideration.

