Tue, 02 Jul 1996

NGOs form pressure group

JAKARTA (JP): Activists formed another pressure group yesterday, demanding that the government lower prices, uproot corruption and overhaul the political system.

Established by labor activists, human rights campaigners, lawyers, political activists, journalists and women's rights activists, the new group is called the Indonesian People's Council (Majelis Rakyat Indonesia, or Mari).

The activists come from 25 non-governmental organizations well-known for their critical stand against government organizations such as Aldera, the Indonesian Prosperous Labor Union (SBSI) and the Indonesian Legal Aid Institute.

SBSI chief Muchtar Pakpahan, criminologist Mulyana W. Kusumah, human rights campaigner H.J.C. Princen and lawyer Bambang Widjojanto are on the list of the 26-member steering committee.

Politician Ridwan Saidi of the Moslem-based new Masyumi and Djathi Koesoemo, a legislator from the rift-ridden Indonesian Democratic Party, were listed on the nine-member Executive board.

Ridwan Saidi said the organization was formed out of concern about what he sees as widespread corruption and abuse of power in the government.

"Monopolistic and oligopolistic practices have spurned social injustices and unequal distribution of development gains," he said.

Mari demanded that the government move to bring down prices, uproot corruption, bring the "nation's traitors" to justice and amend the five political laws to allow democracy. (16)