Wed, 05 Jan 2000

New millennium time to start road to fitness

This is the introduction of a six-article New Millennium New You series on practical tips about how to stay healthy. The weekly column is written by Clare E. Urwin, a nutrition, fitness and health advisor based in Surabaya.

SURABAYA (JP): The new millennium is the perfect time to finally make the decision "I am going to do something about myself" and really mean it! A brand new century presents a wonderful opportunity to change negative health habits into positive ones.

Do it now. The time is right to reach your optimum health and fitness in both body and mind. Then you can thoroughly enjoy and fully participate in everything life has to offer.

Yes, you have tried before. Every Monday morning is the start of a new diet to lose some weight; again! Elaborate exercise plans become boring, time consuming and tedious, so you stop doing them. The latest trendy supplements, guiltily bought during a bad health day, are still unopened in the bathroom cabinet.

There is certainly no time for meditation, or whatever people call this latest guru nonsense. The nearest you ever come to relaxation is flopping in front of the television with a large glass of chardonnay at the end of a long day.

But wait, it can be different. A new millennium is special. Beginning a new century gives fresh incentive to make those healthy changes permanent and to make them really work.

Everybody, regardless of age, gender or nationality, has massive amounts of unused potential. Wonderful abilities, all going to waste. Why not use them? But, before discovering and tapping the endless possibilities of those talents, close attention needs to be paid to personal health and well-being.

Eating healthily, exercising regularly, coping with stress effectively and developing a positive attitude, brings confidence and increased self-esteem.

You feel good about yourself and become aware of your natural energy, strength, enthusiasm and capabilities. When practicing sound nutritional, physical and emotional habits, the body and mind reach their peak.

Any challenge can be handled and life lived to the full. Only then will aspirations be fully explored. Goals become nearer and suddenly, anything is possible. What better time than the new millennium for turning dreams into realities?

Deciding to become healthy and fit in mind and body, means making a commitment to yourself. It's up to you and no one can do it for you, but it is achievable. Being in control and starting to look and feel better because of your own efforts, brings an amazing sense of satisfaction. An added bonus is probably living longer, too. This initial personal success naturally encourages broadening your horizons. There's untapped potential here for you!

First things first, however, and the new you in the new millennium should concentrate on five simple factors. Diet, exercise, supplements, stress management and attitude. Although each item is very important individually, the combination and interaction of all the factors working together, is the key to maximizing your natural potential and creating the new you.

The first factor, diet, is vital. It effects the way you look, feel and perform now, but it also influences your health in the future. Balanced meals and proper nutrition can help prevent prospective problems like obesity, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, heart disease and cancers that have been linked to poor eating habits.

Being overweight is miserable. Carrying a few extra kilos is depressing and annoying enough. Carrying many is completely demoralizing. Crash diets don't work.

The most reliable route to permanent weight loss is to make better food choices, increase physical activity and learn how to keep motivated. Sound nutrition must be regarded as a lifelong activity. People who lose weight and keep it off, change the way they eat, exercise and think, forever. What a good start to the new millennium.

Exercise, the second factor, gives you energy. It's necessary to live a "high octane" life in today's world anyway, but wouldn't it be great to wake up in the mornings always feeling fit, full of go and confident about completing any task?

On the other hand, if you often feel tired, have trouble concentrating, lack stamina and can't be bothered to do anything apart from what's really necessary, you're probably physically unfit.

Regular exercise can change this. Worried about aging? Becoming fit can take 20 years off a person's chronological age. Isn't that a good reason to make exercise a permanent part of your life in the new century?

Supplementary vitamins and minerals are the third element required for the new you in the new millennium. Modern farming methods and general pollution may mean the nutritional value of some foods is questionable. Supplements guard against deficiencies.

They can boost the body's healing system, build up the immune system, slow down the aging process and increase energy levels. Acting as a "safety net", they are another good resolution for the year 2000.

"Stress Management" and "Attitude" are the fourth and fifth elements in "New Millennium -- New You." Prolonged stress compromises health. Stress is everywhere and it can't be avoided, but you can control your reactions to it.

A positive mental attitude is important, too. The right attitude will help in every aspect of your life. Meanwhile, learning to stay motivated by planning effective behavior strategies, can ensure your resolve in the new century does not weaken.

By concentrating on these factors and taking the advice contained in the next five articles, optimum health and fitness can be yours. Regularly working with these elements, results in them becoming an integral part of your normal day-to-day life. You will soon feel wonderful, be really fit and healthy and have an abundance of physical and mental energy.

Look forward to the new, 21st century concept of "doing something about yourself". Be positive, enthusiastic and excited with the decision you have taken. The future depends on you, so be good to yourself and make it fantastic in the new millennium.

For the next five weeks there will articles detailing "New Millennium -- New You." Next week, the first element: diet.