Tue, 07 Jun 1994

New council hoped to boost public participation

JAKARTA (JP): The city administration has formed another village council at each subdistrict to increase the public participation in civic affairs at the grassroots level.

"Basically, the council does not serve as political forum, but as partner of subdistrict chiefs in running the administration," deputy governor in charge of administrative affairs yesterday Idroes said yesterday.

The new council is named Musyawarah Kelurahan or Muskel for short.

Idroes said the new village council was formed on the basis of the instruction of the Ministry of Home Affairs No. 11 of 1991.

Jakarta is the first province in the country to form such councils.

"The GBHN (the Broad Guidelines of the State Policy) states that success of development depends on the active participation of the people. That's is the rationale behind the creation of the forum," said Idroes.

Idroes spoke at the Shangri-la Hotel during a meeting with 2,850 members of the council from 265 subdistricts across the city.

At the meeting each subdistrict was represented by 10 of a total of 40 village council members.

Aside from Idroes, chief of staff of the Jakarta Military Command Brig. Gen. Wiranto and chief of the Jakarta Prosecutor's Office Suyoto made some presentations at the meeting, which was aimed at "unifying the perception of the Muskel's members"

Idroes said the new council has the authority to give advice to the subdistrict chiefs in promulgating the subdistrict's policy or making any decision which concerns the interests of the subdistrict population.

"Thus, any policy designed by the subdistrict chiefs which affects the interests of the residents will become valid only after approval from the council," said Idroes.


As a matter of fact, at the village or subdistrict level there is a body called "Lembaga Ketahanan Masyarakat Desa/Kelurahan" (Village /Subdistrict Self Resilience Council), popularly known as "LKMD/K", whose functions and authority resemble those of Muskel.

Muskel, whose members include the village/subdistrict chief, secretary to the village/subdistrict chief, the tokoh masyarakat (senior citizens), chief of the subdistrict military, chief of the subdistrict police and the Karang Taruna youth members, was formed to help the subdistrict of village administration in affairs related to development.

Tokoh masyarakat includes neighborhood chiefs, who are directly chosen by the area citizens through elections.

By law, the body takes part in all phases of any development project including the planning and supervision.

Idroes said the Muskel and LKMD/K do not compete with one another but "complement each other, instead".

According to law, the body is independent from the authority. In reality, however, the body is seen by some experts as the extended hand of the authority at the village level due to the strong government intervention.

"The difference between the two bodies is only the subdistrict/village chiefs are obliged to involve the Muskel in budgeting affairs," said Idroes.

Idroes said the city of 8.4 million population has a total of 106,000 Muskel members.

When contacted by the Jakarta Post Romulus Sihombing, city councilor of the commission A on administrative affairs, said he was not aware of the existence of the newly-established council, nor did he know that city administration had discussed the matter with his commission.

"I do not know its legal basis yet. As we already have the LKMD/K, why should we have another body somewhat similar to it?" he queried. (jsk)