Fri, 01 Jun 2001

New art talent Triany tells her soul stories in debut show

By Pavan Kapoor

JAKARTA (JP): Triany Savitri had reached a phase where she needed to just glide along the blue skies of life and dream. After leaving her hotel management job she felt a desire to detoxify, search for a new identity and find herself all over again.

Twiddling thumbs, she reached Bandung where she started painting under the tutelage of an uncle who is an artist. From it came Soul Stories, an exhibition of about 40 paintings at Koi restaurant and gallery.

Soul Stories portrays a mind which loves fantasy and delights in the magic of dreaming. Bright, happy colors, a simplistic approach to theme and content is in symphony with adornments of sequins and beads.

The current trend of beads and sequins on clothes, shoe wear, purses and every imaginable women's accessory, has perhaps found a place in Triany's dreams as well.

The artworks Twinkle and In Between are paintings which show abundant green sequins twinkling on a sea of lime green. There is an abstract image surrounded with an animated shade of lilac on a thick border on which Triany has painted leaves in a wistful fashion. The style and design of the layout strongly suggests a graphic design background.

My Five Roses shows a set of five English pink roses drooping downwards which intersect with emerald green crystals instead of leaves.

Triany uses mainly oils and acrylics, and most of her semi-realistic artworks have a simplistic form covering the entire canvas. Meeting Point I, II, III have butterflies and beetles and flowers on them. Ecstasy is an abstract, the first impression of which reminds one of a dripping ice-cream cone. The ice-cream colors of pistachio, pale pink and faded sunflower yellows seem to have been dabbled onto the canvas in glorious abundance and left to drip and succumb to the forces of gravity.

One of the impressive exhibits that is hung right at the entrance is Dutch Dream, the style of which differs greatly from the rest of the paintings. Triany uses the painter's spade to splash an intricate downward wave of green and white -- an interesting art piece, which would surely brighten up a spacious wall.

For a person who regresses into her childhood while painting, Triany attempts to paint like a dreaming child, while combining the maturity of a grown up in balancing the layout.

Her favorite painting is Searching, which is like an autobiography of the time of her life when she was searching for meaning in her own life. She paints it in her magical color, which is purple and is perhaps the truest story of her soul.

Triany enjoys painting as her heart desire, but her aims for the near future are well-defined. She wants to paint realistic art and perfect her perception of the images of real life. Perhaps all dreamers want their delicate ankles to feel solid ground under their feet and touch down once in a while.

Soul Stories is at Koi Gallery, Jl. Mahakam, South Jakarta, until June 8.