Wed, 13 Nov 1996

Netanyahu's offer

Benjamin Netanyahu has finally come clean. Now we know what he really wants. The Israeli premier envisages for the Palestinians a status similar to that of residents of Puerto Rico or the principality of Andorra.

It comes as no surprise that Netanyahu would seek out political systems diametrically opposed to what the Palestinians want for themselves. It comes as no surprise that he opposes a Palestinian state.

What does defy explanation, however, is how Netanyahu expects the Palestinians to accept a Puerto Rico-like Palestine. It would be an entity entitled to much less than what the Palestinians have been calling and dying for in almost 50 years.

With all due respect, the situations of Puerto Rico and Andorra are very unlike that of Palestine.

It is not for the Israelis to determine the future of the Palestinians. Just because they are the occupiers, it does not give them the right to dictate the terms of the areas they move out of.

Netanyahu claims a large majority of Israelis rule out an independent (Palestinian) state.

But nearly half the country voted for Shimon Peres and his vision of peace, which included an eventual state. It is doubtful that from the May elections till the present, the Israeli populace has so drastically changed its mind.

Israel would naturally want to guarantee its security with a Palestinian state existing alongside. That is one issue to be discussed when the final status negotiations get under way. The issue of security is currently being thrashed out for an impending deal on Hebron.

Security is only part of the full picture, just as the land- for-peace principle was only the first step on the road to a complete and just settlement of the conflict.

The end result is a bona fide state which is not part of anyone and answers to no one. That is the necessary and inevitable outcome.

-- Arab News, Riyadh