Wed, 13 Jul 1994

Nation building

From Republika

I am fully aware that Indonesians are still struggling to build a just and prosperous nation based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.

On my way to work, I pass a number of cinemas with their fantastic posters. This always reminds me of Bung Harmoko. Why? As the Minister of Information, Bung Harmoko has the power to ban these "peanut" films which indulge in presenting porn scenes. I have seen a number of such films in this country and I am deeply concerned over them. We have steadfastly carried out our development, but what's the use if it produces secular people, hedonists, materialists, rapists or murderers?

I do not intend to point out how much the films influence the behavior of society. We have all heard of the case of the elementary school boy raping his female class-mate or the unemployed young man raping and murdering a female university student. There are many more cases which are left untold.

Obviously, as an unimportant citizen, I cannot do much about it. However,the authorities concerned should make every effort to deal with films that tend only to harm and destroy the nation's morality.

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