Wed, 07 Aug 1996

Name calling

So, "The world faces the problem of running out of names?"

While reading this amusing piece in The Jakarta Post of Aug. 4, 1996, I couldn't but recall some odd stories about naming the children.

A couple had their first child -- it was named "NC" (Natural Curiosity). After some time, the second child arrived. The parents agreed that the right name should be "MC" (Mutual Consent). When the third child was born, they were naturally annoyed about their own folly, and decided to christen it "ABC," (Absolute Bloody Carelessness).

This next story is a little bit different and involves a very fertile couple. They had their first offspring -- twins. The husband took the children to Church for baptism. The Father named the kids "Joy" and "Enjoy."

On returning home, the man said to his wife: "Well, Father has asked us to enjoy." So, the couple had another set of twins. This time, the Father was not amused. He was careful and rightly named the children "Void" and "Avoid."

The parents felt that this was no prohibition as such. They went ahead and brought forth yet another set of twins.

The exasperated Priest, on hearing the news, didn't want to leave any more room for doubt, and cried "Stop" and "Full Stop!"

