Tue, 18 Jul 2000

Muslim TV stations necessary

With reference to Mr. Pandu K's letter in The Jakarta Post dated July 12, 2000, titled Discrimination against Islam, I fully agree and am concerned that films shown on all TV stations are not Islamic and can have a very bad effect on our lives, especially on the younger generation. But expressing our concern about the bad effects of the electronic media is not enough, especially when the TV stations are in business to make money. Even though the owners and the staff are Muslim, they may not see any "charm" in showing films from Middle Eastern countries.

Therefore, to counter the bad effects of the electronic media, there should be an Islamic TV station with all its programs within the boundaries of Islamic teachings and from which not only Muslims could benefit but non-Muslims could also understand Islam.

I know one of TV stations that is serving this cause 24 hours a day. All its programs are in accordance with Islamic education. There is no pornography, no superstition and no gambling in its programs. Here are the details, so that all interested people can enjoy the programs: It is called Muslim Television Ahmadyyah (MTA) and can be received via satellite at the frequency of 4177, 5MHZ all over Indonesia.

