Tue, 12 Jun 2001

Murals on display behind House complex

JAKARTA (JP): A number of Jakarta Arts Institute students display their mural artwork on the wall behind the House of Representatives complex in Central Jakarta.

Artists from various backgrounds have decorated a number of public places in the city, as part of the month-long JakArt@2001 to commemorate Jakarta's 474th anniversary.

Such public paintings can also be found at various public places in the capital, including bus stops and flyovers. They have been decorating the city.

However, one of the public art works, a mural at Plaza Indonesia bus stop on Jl. MH Thamrin was found damaged on Sunday, with white paint splashed on it.

Another art work, an installation called Penjual Sepatu (Shoe Seller) placed at the National Monument (Monas) park was removed by unknown people.

Artists grouped in the Ruangrupa fine art group protested on Monday at the removal of the installation work and the mural at Plaza Indonesia bus stop.

They charged city authorities with attempting to remove art works they did not agree with. "Who has the authority to actually govern public spaces then?" they asked in a statement. "Do these public spaces remain (for the enjoyment of the public)?"