Thu, 16 Sep 1999

Muladi's disturbing statement

From Rakyat Merdeka

As an ordinary citizen I am grateful for Rudy Ramli's openness in disclosing the truth in the Bank Bali scandal.

However, Muladi in response to the disclosure has said that Ramli is a liar.

Does Muladi not realize that apart from being the State Secretary he is also Minister of Justice? He certainly knows more about the law. Ignoring the principle of presumption of innocence Muladi has issued a negative statement on Ramli. Muladi should fear God and not be carried away by the current of a ketoprak (Javanese traditional drama) government.

Muladi should defend the 200 million people of Indonesia. Not a handful of greedy people who take shelter behind the law. May he still be led by his conscience.

