Mon, 01 Aug 2005

MUI on conversion

I would like to comment on some passages of your front page article Conversion cause of concern among MUI branches (The Jakarta Post, July 28).

While I was casually reading the article I thought "are we being colonized again? Are foreign fighters entering our beloved Indonesian territory? Are we being attacked?"

Upon reading more carefully I realized the article must be describing a very dangerous and contagious disease. Maybe it is the much talked about avian influenza having reached an airborne human to human stage, or (God forbid) Ebola. Then I thought "what has the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) got to do with all this?" Maybe an edict will be passed soon regarding the eating of poultry.

Unfortunately, it is even worse. It is Christians who try to invade the country with their evil preaching and their heretical churches and their treacherous food and ways.

Knowing that many Indonesians may look at the MUI for spiritual or social guidance besides our daily nutrition, I just feel assured that they will really handle this Christianity threat with all their wisdom and tact.

After all, these wise guys really make me sleep in total peace and harmony at night while quoting some comforting statements of several MUI branches' reports:

"The phenomenon of the construction of churches in the province (Jambi) is most disturbing." And "We do not understand how a non-muslim won the election". " We will be sure it will not happen next time (in Bangka-Belitung regency)"

But nothing beats the following remark: "We are proud to report there is not a single church in Cilegon to this day and this is how we intend to keep it".

Thank you MUI branches for showing such a blanket of safety. I can't wait to read some comforting reports of the branches in Ambon, Medan, Manado, Poso, Jayapura, Kupang, Maumere and many other evil places.