Wed, 30 Jan 2002

Muhammadiyah and imperialism

I find Muhammadiyah's declaration on "the new imperialism" mind-boggling in its hypocrisy.

It is followers of Islam who seek to impose their morals, way of life, culture, religion and laws on non-Muslims. Failing this, they kill them. A clearer manifestation of the worst aspects of the old imperialist mind-set would be difficult to imagine.

Compare this with the religious and cultural freedom in my own country, Britain, where there is a substantial Muslim population, many mosques, and in whose capital city, London, many important buildings and businesses are Muslim-owned.

What may also be the most influential Arabic-language international newspaper is published there, completely free from government or other interference, although it is sometimes critical of Britain itself.

Imagine that being allowed in the majority of Islamic nations.

Muhammadiyah's resolution is a manifestation of all that is wrong with the Islam of today -- an abandonment of introspection, and an endless search for others to blame for its self-created problems.

