Thu, 05 Aug 1999

More public lights missing in Tangerang

TANGERANG (JP): Motorists and jaywalkers must now be careful while passing through the Tangerang regency's large streets at night as most of its public lighting facilities are inactive.

Head of the regency's Garden and Grave Maintenance Department, Herman Sahuri, said on Wednesday that its public lighting facilities have been on and off in the past few months because many of the streets' lighting boxes have been stolen by "expert" thefts.

"The lighting boxes along the streets of Jl. Pondok Aren, Jl. Raya Kronjo, Jl. Mauk, and in Tigaraksa and Legok subdistricts have been repeatedly stolen by the thefts," he told reporters.

He said 15 units of lighting box, each unit of which included a connector and a time switch, and some 3,000 meters of electric cables disappeared last month.

Herman believed that the looting of the electric equipments was committed by experts.

"It's not easy to open the boxes as common or inexperienced person might get electrocuted if he or she tries to touch the electronic panel of the box," he said, while adding that the triggered electric voltage might kill the person. (41/imn)