Thu, 15 Jul 2004

More about rape

Whilst I applaud Luck Savitri K's efforts (The Jakarta Post, July 13, Factors that cause rape) to highlight the disturbing statistics regarding incidences of rape, I was appalled as I read on to see that the writer went on to make some rather ill- informed observations and touched on some archaic fallacies about rape. I sincerely hope that the opinions of the writer do not reflect those of the larger community.

Rape is wrong and a sin, plain and simple. I don't believe that any of the world's major religions condones rape under any circumstances. It is an abhorrent crime and a gross violation of a person's human rights. No woman "asks" to be raped, no woman deserves to be raped, what they are wearing or not wearing at the time is an irrelevance.

Justifying rape on the grounds of cultural, religious or ethnic values is still tantamount to condoning rape. The only person to blame for rape is the rapist.

I in no way condone pornography, but my understanding is that some European nations that have very liberal pornography laws have some of the lowest rape statistics in the world so linking pornography to rape is not necessarily valid.

The author also mentioned the need for education. Yes -- education is very important, but as well as schools enforcing rules about dress and modesty, would schools, religious groups, women's groups and the government not do far better educating people that rape is not acceptable under any circumstances?

Incidentally, if statistics show that three rapes are reported each day in Indonesia, then the actual number of rapes occurring each day is far higher. Most rape victims do not the crime either out of fear or shame.