Fri, 02 Oct 1998

Month-long program showcases women

JAKARTA (JP): The ASEAN Secretariat is organizing ASEAN Women's Month to promote the role of women in all spheres of life at both national and regional levels.

Titled Holding Up The Sky, the activities will take place from Oct. 3 to Oct. 31 at the ASEAN Secretariat, Jl. Sisingamangaraja 70A, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta.

It opens with a women's bazaar in the secretariat grounds on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. A children's art workshop will include about 100 children painting on the theme of "ASEAN Women At Work". Two feature documentaries on children, Kupu-kupu dalam Batikku (Butterflies in My Batik) and Anak Seribu Pulau (Children of the Archipelago) will be held the same day from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.

The event and a women's painting exhibition will be officially opened concurrently on Oct. 7 by Jakarta Foundation for the Arts trustee and Femina group director Pia Alisjahbana. The opening will feature works of 23 painters, including Maria Tjui, Ida Hadjar, Sumi Hakim and Tuti Roosdiono.

Actress Christine Hakim, director Jajang C. Noor, singer Renny Djayusman and entertainer Titi DJ will read poems from the ASEAN region on Oct. 28.

Other activities will include the reading of ASEAN women's short stories on Oct. 9, a discussion on the portrayal of women in films on Oct. 16 and a women's business forum on Oct. 23.

The event's climax will have the secretariat's main hall filled with classical music of noted musicians and choirs, including Trisutji Kamal, pianist Ary Sutedja, violinist Sharon Eng, a string chamber orchestra led by Grace Sudargo and the Aida Swensen choir.

ASEAN women's month is organized with the Komseni public relations group and Galeri Langgam Seni. For details on dates and ticket fees, contact Asep or Ratih of the ASEAN Secretariat at tel. 726-2991, or Heru of Komseni at 797-2339. (ylt)