Mongolia safe for tourists, but beware of the clubs
The Jakarta Post, Jakarta
Visitors who wish to go to Mongolia must go first to Beijing or Moscow, from which there are regular flights to the landlocked country. There are several airlines serving the Beijing-Jakarta route, including China Airlines.
Travelers can also take a train from Moscow or Beijing to Ulaan Baatar, the capital of Mongolia.
Travel inside Mongolia is generally safe and people can take either a taxi or a bus to go everywhere they want. By taxi, the standard cost is 250 tugruk per kilometer (25 U.S. cents). Taxi fares across the town usually range between 1,000 to 3,000 tugruk. There are many travel bureaus in Ulaan Baatar that can arrange trips to the countryside, including a stay with a Mongolian family in a ger (a traditional tent where nomad Mongolians live).
Generally, Mongolia is safe for tourists, despite several cases of pickpocketing and violence. Beware when you visit a marketplace or nightclubs. You have to be cautious when you return home late at night, as street drunks sometimes cause troubles.
Communication services in the country are relatively good. Internet shops can be found on almost every corner of the city, same with telephone shops. International calling cards are reliable and inexpensive.
Luxury hotels cost hundreds of dollars per night, but there are also hotels that offer much cheaper accommodation. One of the best and newest guest houses is the UB Youth Hostel situated up the commercial district northwest of Gandan monastery. The hostel provides free kitchen facilities, storage space. It also provides city maps and ticket information for onward travel.
Restaurants in Mongolia provide traditional Mongolian food, which is dominated by meat. But, you can also find Chinese and Korean cuisines and even Western cuisines in restaurants in downtown Ulaan Baatar.
Weather can be problem for foreigners in Mongolia. During the winter, the temperature can drop to minus 44 Celsius, while the hottest temperature during the summer is some 35 Celsius. The temperature can change rapidly. In the summer, at 10 a.m the temperature can be 32 Celsius when the sky is blue, but it can drop to 18 in the afternoon if clouds roll in. During the summer, the sun normally sets at 10.30 p.m.
You may be advised to bring sun cream to protect your skin and lip gloss as well. The very arid weather can really dry out lips. You are also advised to bring bottled water to prevent dehydration.
Language may be a problem because normally Mongolian English is difficult to understand, even by Indonesian standards. It is advised that you bring interpreters when you are traveling around.
Last but not least, you should not miss famous annual Naadam (Three Games) Festival, which is held on July 11 and 12.
The festival, which has been celebrated for thousands of years, depict how Mongolian nomadic tribes struggle to find good weather and green pasture. During the festival, Mongolians will demonstrate their good skills in archery, riding and wrestling. It was originally a cultural event, but in 1921, it was transformed into the day to celebrate the revolution of the People's Republic of Mongolia.
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