Sat, 08 Feb 1997

Monas Park project

From Neraca

Many government projects are not effectively run. One of those projects is the National Monument Park. It needs strict supervision from the related department.

One of the obvious aspects is ineffective supervision of daily workers. The workers said they were paid Rp 15,000 per day, but they received a net sum of Rp 14,000.

The fact is, these workers are lazy, not hardworking.

According to one of them, it is sufficient if they clock in at 8 a.m., which is proof that they have done their work on that day and are entitled to claim their daily wage of Rp 14,000.

If this statement has become the norm for many Indonesian projects, it would mean that the lack of efficiency in many government projects must be appalling. How much public money is squandered in this way? Not to mention the fake projects, or projects established to spend budget leftovers.

But the public is forever paying taxes. That is for development, they are told, so that the country will be less dependent on foreign loans.

But, when project implementation is run without effective supervision, I really feel sorry for the Indonesian public. Taxes are increasing with the times, apparently to no avail.

For these reasons, let us show compassion for the people who must earn hard cash to pay taxes. Their number is enormous. One of the ways to shower compassion upon fellow human beings is to get managements and supervisors to do their jobs effectively and efficiently.

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