Wed, 26 Jun 2002

Model good eating habits for children

Dear Dr. Donya

We are an Italian and Indonesian couple with a girl of 22 months, Maria. We always read your articles and two weeks ago there was a very interesting article about choices of healthy food for children.

The article stressed, in particular, the importance of parents setting a good example.

The problem with mixed couples, such as us, is that very often tastes are different, due to the different education and environment where we were born and developed. We are used to eating different foods: Mediterranean diet for the father, based mainly on fresh and healthy foods, and Indonesian food for the mother, with a lot of fried, spicy (particularly chili) dishes.

How do you think we can solve the problem of these cultural differences, which are present also in other areas, such as norms of hygiene. Do you think these differences can create problems or confusion in our girl, due to the contrasting examples from her parents? We would like to have your kind and valuable opinion on the matter.

-- Reader

Dear reader,

Good question. The answer is, your girl will have no confusion about food, she will eat what she likes. I think she is lucky because she has a chance to taste more variety of food than just one or the other -- western or Asian food.

Hygiene is more important, but this can be taught. The first thing is that both of you as parents have to agree on the same thing, which is very important when you want to teach children. I would say neither a western nor Asian approach to hygiene is better than the other. The two of you can pick the good things from each culture and demonstrate that to your girl. She will adopt what you teach her.

Again, Asia has a greater variety of fresh food, vegetables and fruits, which are healthy food and good for children. I would focus on fish, grains, milk and meat.

Hope this helps you. If you have a question that needs a more specific answer, please inquire.

-- Dr. Donya

Dear Dr. Donya,

I am extremely thankful for your expert advice to all my queries. My baby is eight months old. I am giving her home-cooked rice and vegetables as well as ready-made baby cereals.

For an eight-month-old baby, the company makes a chocolate cereal. I'm quite confused though. I do not doubt the company since it is a reputable one. But is it OK to give chocolate- flavored cereal to an eight-month-old baby? Thank you for your advise.

-- Pallavi

Dear Pallavi,

Sweetened food makes it easier for the baby to accept, though I personally do not recommend that a baby younger than one year old eats chocolate-flavored food. The homemade foods that you have made are perfect for your baby. Otherwise you can choose food that tastes natural and add as little artificial flavoring as possible.

-- Dr. Donya