Sat, 20 Sep 2003

Mlangi resto offers traditional food

YOGYAKARTA: If you are tired of the usual fare offered by restaurants here, why not tempt your taste buds with traditional Indonesian dishes with a difference, at newly opened restaurant, Mlangi Resto.

Located on the western outskirts of Yogyakarta the menu features dishes such as Lumpia Rebung (eggrolls with bamboo sprouts filling), Rawon (diced beef in black sauce soup), Udang Balado (crispy prawns topped with lemongrass chili sauce), Sambal Matah (shallots and lemongrass chili sauce) and Klappertaart (tarts with young coconut filling).

Dian Eka, Mlangi Resto's public relations manager, said that the way in which the main course is served sets it apart from other restaurants with similar menus.

The restaurant boasts three choices of rice: white rice, yellow rice and red rice. Each is served with standard side dishes, such as Oseng-oseng Tempe (stir-fried tempeh), Tumis Buncis (stir-fried beans in coconut sauce), and Sambal.

"Our target market includes expatriates, students, the local community and guests of star-rated hotels," Dian Eka said, adding that guests will be entertained by gamelan music, during the day, and zither, or band music in the evening. -- JP