Fri, 24 May 1996

Mission possible

The small sum of Rp 60,000 will enable a poor Indonesian child to attend school for a whole year! I refer to the launching of National Foster Parents Drive from May 29, 1996.

Your prompt and excellent editorial of May 22, 1996, titled Helping our children clearly underscored the importance for the public to respond to this worthy mission. Small drops can indeed make an ocean.

Tell me, please, how do I send my contribution to the National Foster Parents Drive Committee? Your press report of May 21, 1996 mentions that donations are to be sent to the committee's account No.31.51.17845 at Bank Rakyat Indonesia.

However, inquiries at the bank's Jl. Kopi branch in Kota revealed that they don't service this account and therefore, cannot accept funds. Furthermore, they can't undertake to transfer the money in the absence of information as to which branch of BRI they should remit.

I asked if I could telephone their head office but a staff member at the branch explained that it may prove futile and it would be best if I got back to the editor of the newspaper.

Would you please clarify this matter so that other readers may also benefit from this information?



Note: Donations can be deposited at any Bank Rakyat Indonesia branch after the launching of the foster parents drive, scheduled for May 29, 1996. Donations should be Rp 60,000 for elementary school or Rp 90,000 for junior high school.

-- Editor