Fri, 07 Jun 2002

Ministers show disdain to NGOs

Different ministers, different temperaments and different ways of handling the public, as two of Indonesia's coordinating ministers showed.

Coordinating Minister for the Economy Dorodjatun Kuntjoro- Jakti kept his cool when a member of the Indonesian Indigenous People group warned him not to take anymore loans from foreign creditors in an open dialog with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) on Wednesday.

The minister was seen nodding amicably as the person continued his frustrated rant directed at the government. The NGO spokesperson claimed that Indonesia had treated indigenous people unfairly.

"Don't just nod, write this down!" he angrily ordered the minister, who calmly claimed that everything was being stored inside his head.

Meanwhile, Coordinating Minister for Social Welfare Jusuf Kalla blew his top when NGO members raised their voices in protest of what he was saying in a different dialog.

"You talk about being democratic, you are the ones that are being undemocratic," he said angrily. -- JP