Sat, 24 Nov 2001

Minister's political maturity

Coordinating Minister for the Economy Dorodjatun Kuntjoro- Jakti categorically denied that he had tended his resignation to President Megawati, stressing that there was no point in his resigning under current economic circumstances.

Minister Dorodjatun must have been longing for the days when he was a university professor, when brainstorming sessions at the campus were conducted in a "polite" way, using only scientific jargon.

Or he may have been accustomed, in his capacity as the Indonesian ambassador to the United States before assuming his present Cabinet post, to dealing with reports that were presented in a more civilized (ie. bureaucratic) fashion.

No wonder that the harsh criticism he is at present receiving about his economic team's performance, mostly unfair and ignorant of the global situation, and local party political or even personal animosity, are things his refined and educated sinews are incapable of withstanding.

Dorodjatun has never had the essential baptism of fire of the true politician, who can turn a deaf ear to criticism leveled at him by legislators, expert commentators or watchdogs. In spite of this, he should at least have the courage to defend his principles, produce counterarguments using blunt political language, and mature politically in the process.

