Thu, 13 Feb 1997

Minister suspects illegal chain saw sales

JAKARTA (JP): Minister of Forestry Djamaludin Suryohadikusumo suspects many chain saws are still being used illegally and sold illegally to the public despite a government crackdown.

The minister said he had received reports that many illegally owned chain saws had been confiscated. But he suspected the chain saws would have to be returned to their owners.

"I'm not yet satisfied with the outcome of the crackdown," he was quoted by Antara as saying Tuesday.

The government has restricted the use and ownership of chain saws in an effort to curb wood theft.

He said Ministry of Forestry decree of Oct. 4, 1995 stipulated chain saws could be sold only to concessionaires, owners of industrial timber estates and of forest clearing permits.

Craft industries and government agencies which cut down trees can also own chain saws.

The decree obliges chain saw sellers to record buyers' names addresses and data on chain saws sold.

Sellers should report on to whom chain saws have been sold to the appointed forestry office each month.

If the sale is outside Java, the record of buyers should be delivered to the provincial forestry office and its branches. If the sale is in Java, the records should be delivered to state forestry company Perhutani.

Buyers have to report that they own chain saws to the appointed forestry agencies.

Only chain saw owners are permitted to use them. Their employees may use chain saws provided they have a letter of assignment from the owner.

Any sale or transfer of ownership of chain saws should be reported.

Owners are allowed to lease their chain saws only to those who have a right to use it. (jsk)