Wed, 17 Sep 1997

Military and civilians

Over the past week, I've read with surprise and dismay the many reactions to Dr. Juwono Sudarsono's opinion on this country's coming leadership choice.

As I see it, what Juwono did was state his view on the situation. In this case, the qualities of Indonesians of different backgrounds, military and civilian, and their eligibility to lead this nation.

This view was based on his broad experiences and knowledge, being an expert on sociopolitical affairs. And very likely on his recent findings acquired in his job as vice director of the National Resilience Institute, where classes comprising prospective military and civilian leaders are undergoing year- long training, rife with seminars, discussions and field trips.

Very much like the weather bureau that predicts a long drought based on observations of meteorological data, it would be absurd and ridiculous if farmers then accused it of being in favor of dry weather because of its forecast.

Indeed, our people, including the so-called social experts, still have much to learn.

