Wed, 30 Apr 1997

Mien plants kiss on teenager

BENGKULU: A teenager who will vote for the first time next month was probably the luckiest boy in town Monday when he was kissed by the State Minister of Women's Roles Mien Sugandhi during a Golkar rally.

Mien was also generous enough to give a Golkar brand wrist watch to a female would-be first time voter she picked from thousands of people that jammed a soccer field.

The "lucky couple" then vowed to do everything to help Golkar win the May 29 election in their neighborhood, Antara reported yesterday.

Appearing on the stage with glamorous singers from Jakarta, the minister called on local women to play a more active role in developing Golkar.

"Indonesian women comprise more than half of Indonesia's population and should play a bigger role in development," she said.

Golkar aims to win 88 percent of votes in Bengkulu this year. (pan)