Mon, 18 Oct 2004

Mexican immigrants

The complicated U.S. electoral climate has caused a proliferation of opportunistic proposals by politicians looking for the support of a sector of the U.S. electorate that is very conservative and even racist. That is why they have proposed measures against Mexican immigrants, as is the case with banning identity cards issued by Mexican consulates, something that California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger put forth.

These official documents have contributed to defending the human and legal rights of undocumented Mexicans in that country, and in some states they allow our citizens to obtain essential documents to get ahead in a difficult situation, including getting a driver's license and health services, and enrolling their kids in school.

Facing this threat ... President Vicente Fox assured that he will defend "with a cape and sword" the identification cards. He will do this, as he's already said, because our citizens in the United States aren't criminals or terrorists. They are people with dignity and they are hard workers that contribute to the U.S. economy.

--- El Universal, Mexico City.