Mon, 23 Feb 1998

Message from the Publisher

Approximately a month ago The Jakarta Post implemented several cost-efficiency measures -- including the reduction of the number of pages of the newspaper from 16 to 12 pages -- to eliminate financial losses caused by shrinking advertising revenue and rising newsprint prices. We hoped that economic situation would improve, so that we could avoid having to substantially increase our subscription rate.

Unfortunately the economic uncertainty persists and production costs keep rising. To survive the uncertainty of the coming months, while consistently maintaining the integrity of the news and views we provide, we regretfully announce that we have to increase our monthly subscription rate from Rp 22,000.- to 36,000.- as of March 1, 1998. In addition to that, we will have to reduce the number of pages of our newspaper. Starting March 15, 1998, the paper will be 8 pages instead of 12 pages.

We will resume our normal 16-pages daily as soon as the advertising environment recovers and the economy in general returns to normal.

Again, we appreciate your trust, which we never take for granted. That is a promise.

-- The Publisher