Fri, 06 May 2005

'Menteng stadium is an historical site'

The move to convert Menteng Soccer Stadium into a city park has sparked protests from noted public figures and scholars, who suspect foul play in the plan as the Sutiyoso administration will be inviting investors to open cafes and other entertainment venues there. The Jakarta Post asked residents for their comments on the proposal.

Agus Sudharto, 22, is an amateur football player at Asy- Syafiiyah University, Pondok Gede, East Jakarta. He lives with his family in Bekasi:

I totally disagree. There are not many soccer fields in Greater Jakarta, why should we close one? Moreover, the Menteng stadium has been the home of the Jakarta soccer club Persija for a long time. We should keep the tradition alive.

Moreover, Persija is one of the best clubs Indonesia has. It performs well in Asia Champions League and in the national league. These achievements are closely related to the role of the Menteng stadium.

City parks are only meant for people to have fun in. I do agree that green spaces should be expanded, but why couldn't the administration build in empty spaces that are spread across the city?

Yes, it might be used for sport activities, such as jogging, but I don't think it will attract many people, not as many as a soccer game could do.

If they insist on converting the place into a city park, the place should cater to many activities other than jogging. There should be activities that will affect many people, such as bazaars and charity events. There should also be a place for vendors.

Vicky Sastro, 25, is a freelance writer for a Javanese magazine. He lives in a rented house in Depok:

Of course I am against it, I am one of the few Jakartans who usually play soccer there. I think the stadium should be renovated instead of converted.

The Jakarta administration could build a park or plant trees around it. They don't have to demolish the stadium.

Historians say that we must preserve historical sites, that should mean that we also have to preserve historical stadiums.

The administration could turn it into a luxury stadium in the center of the city and at the same time make it a historical landmark. We could use it for training and learning about our past.

We have very few stadiums and historical buildings in the city. We should start to appreciate these old buildings, while at the same time make a profit out of them. There are many roads to Rome, Bang Yos!

--The Jakarta Post