Sat, 22 Mar 2003

Mega seeks cordial ties with the media

JAKARTA: President Megawati Soekarnoputri hosted a luncheon for senior editors from several media on Friday, with an eye toward building more amicable relations with the press.

State Minister for Communications and Information Syamsul Muarif, who also attended the luncheon, said the government would like the media to understand the government's stand on certain security issues such as Aceh, Papua and the Iraq war.

"There was no special message from the President. This (luncheon) is simply to establish more cordial relations with the media," Syamsul said after the luncheon.

Megawati has often been criticized for keeping her distance from the media, rarely speaking with journalists, even those posted at the presidential palace.

Almost two years after assuming the presidency in July 2001, Megawati had only addressed the press several times to explain her government's policies. --JP