Fri, 12 Jul 1996

Media bias

I have noticed on several occasions that Mr. Farid Baskoro does not appear to hold the Western media in great esteem for reasons known unto himself. There are many brave journalists and reporters who risk life and limb to bring to the world's attention the atrocities and abuses of fundamental human rights. Let us not forget the courage shown by some journalists who reported from Bosnia Herzegovina, those who have reported from other war zones and most recently, the 36-year-old journalist and mother, Veronica Guerin, who was tragically murdered in Ireland. The death of this determined journalist is being linked to her exposure of certain gangs' criminal activities. Many journalists die every year in their quest to bring the truth to the attention of the public. Only from exposure by the press can the public become aware of gross irregularities.

I don't know upon what Mr. Baskoro bases his belief (stated in his letter in the July 9, 1996 edition of The Jakarta Post) that a certain Western journalist would want to belittle the aviation industry of this country. Indeed, Mr. Baskoro even stated that he did not know what story this certain journalist was pursuing, only that he believed it to be unfavorable. Why? I have never read an unfavorable report about Indonesia in my country. It is evident that the bias lies with Mr. Baskoro, when he simultaneously pretends to champion objectivity and a balanced approach.


Cilegon, West Java