Meat imports from India
Since the government announced its intention to import beef from India, sharp reactions have come from various sides. In the past week alone, scores of reports have appeared in the media. Views for and against the plan have been aired. The incident is reminiscent of the mad cow disease furor which shook Britain some time ago.
Indonesia actually planned to import beef from India as early as 1992. At that time, however, the plan was abandoned after a team of experts sent to India recommended against the import.
Nevertheless, we cannot close our eyes to the reality that we depend on only a few countries to supply us with cattle. From Australia alone, Indonesia imports some 500,000 cows annually.
In any event, the experts the government now plans to send to India must make every effort to protect our country against importing foot-and-mouth disease. Since their recommendations will determine what policy the government will adopt, the team members must perform their task responsibly.
And an interesting question is whether the import of cheap meat could shatter the business of meat importers, at present controlled by certain individuals. Could it be that... ?
-- Bisnis Indonesia, Jakarta