Thu, 28 Sep 1995

Mass transit

Nowadays congestion in Jakarta is horrible. Five years ago there were just peak periods with traffic jams on certain major roads. But now there is no distinction. Traffic jams can occur at 6 a.m. on a very local road in the suburbs far away from the center of the city. I hate to imagine what the traffic will be like three to five years from now.

I understand that the government is planning to build a subway mass transit system along the Blok M-Kota route. That is good news! And a very good solution. But that is not enough, especially with the Jabotabek (Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang and Bekasi) population expected to reach more than 23 million in 2000. Jakarta needs more mass transit lines.

I notice that the master plan also includes the east-west line which stretches from Tangerang to Cakung. Why wait until the Blok M-Kota line is finished? Why not start the Tangerang--Cakung line? They will form a cross radial network and the network effect is there. We should have already begun.

I do not think the problem is about funding as foreign consortiums have already offered to finance the project. This line would be more profitable than the Blok M--Kota line because the catchment area along the line is still developing. The investor will have more opportunity to invest in property along the line rather than Blok M--Kota line that is already developed.

Jakarta is already left behind, and the congestion has occurred in front of our homes.

