Wed, 02 Jul 2003

Martial law chief apologizes over rape

A'an Suryana, The Jakarta Post, Lhokseumawe, Aceh

Aceh's martial law administrator Maj. Gen. Endang Suwarya apologized to the people of Aceh over the rape of four women by soldiers, promising on Tuesday to punish them as preparations for a second military trial against rights abuses is underway.

Endang condemned the rape and said the incident had tarnished the image of the Indonesian Military (TNI).

"We apologize to the people of Aceh over the shameful actions of members of the TNI," he told reporters during a visit to Unima refugee camp in Reuleut village, Muara Batu district in North Aceh.

The three soldiers who admitted raping the four women last month could face a maximum prison term of 12 years.

Chief Pvt ST, First Pvt HD and First Pvt DL are being detained at the Military Police base in the North Aceh regency town of Lhokseumawe, the seat of the military operation's command center.

Military Police handed over their dossiers to the military prosecutors' office on Monday.

Should the case go before a court martial, it will mark the second prosecution of human rights abuses since the military offensive began on May 19.

Six soldiers have been sentenced to about four months imprisonment after they beat civilians during a raid against rebels in Bireun regency in May.

Villagers in North Aceh reported the rape to the authorities on Friday last week, prompting the arrest of the three soldiers who admitted to raping the women on June 20, 21 and 22.

The suspects come from the 441st Battalion of the Army's Strategic Reserves Command (Kostrad) in Central Java. The battalion is now stationed in Matangkuli district, North Aceh.

Endang said the incident might prompt the Aceh Military Operation Commander Brig. Gen. Bambang Darmono to pull the battalion out.

"He has the right to judge whether the battalion or a small unit of soldiers should be pulled out of Aceh," he said.