Sun, 06 Nov 2005

Marine technology seminar at ITS

To commemorate its 45th anniversary, the 10 November Institute of Technology (ITS) in Surabaya, East Java, will hold a national seminar on the application of marine technology in the oil and gas industry.

The seminar will be held on Nov. 24 in cooperation with the Indonesian branch of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects and the Indonesian branch of the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology.

With the theme, Potentials of Oil and Gas in Indonesia's Deep Sea: Human Resources Readiness, Technology and its Supporting Industry, the seminar will feature experts from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources as well as from local universities.

Experts will discuss various topics, including offshore oil drilling, piping, geology, shipping and marine environment.

The seminar, which will be held on the campus of ITS, aims to bring together experts from universities, industry and the government.

--The Jakarta Post