Wed, 17 Jul 1996

Marijuana grower shot and killed

BANDA ACEH, Aceh: The police shot dead a marijuana grower for resisting arrest when they raided his farm on Sunday, Antara reported yesterday.

Southeast Aceh military commander Lt. Col. Tara said that the man attempted to attack the arresting personnel with a knife on realizing that he could not escape.

Tara identified the man as Ibrahim, who was resting with two accomplices -- now at large -- in his hut when police raided his ready-to-harvest crop at 1 p.m.

The one-hectare farm is located in the jungle-clad Terangon district where marijuana, wild or cultured, is commonplace. Recently, a police officer was seriously injured in a similar operation in the same area.

"To reach the farm, we had to walk for between 12 and 15 hours through trails and dangerous terrain," Tara said.

He said police officers and soldiers have to be especially careful of booby traps planted on trails by marijuana growers. (pan)