Mon, 01 Jul 1996

Mangga Dua developers late with flood control funds

JAKARTA (JP): Only three of the five developers, which agreed to donate a total of Rp 1.5 billion for a flood control system for Mangga Dua have made good on their pledges.

Only three of the developers have given a total of Rp 1.26 billion to the administration for the project, the deputy head of the City Public Works Agency, Fardly Khatib, said.

"The project should have started in July of last year," he added.

The money expected from PT Duta Pertiwi, PT Praja Puri Indah, PT Puri Agung Sedayu, PT Wirakarsa Widhitama, and PT Mangga Dua Tower is to be used to buy four pumps with a total capacity of 3.6 cubic meters per second, as well as the construction of a pump house.


Fardly said over the weekend that the flood control system is expected to have a significant impact on the chronic flooding in the area.

"During high tide or rains the road is inundated. The existing drainage system does not function properly," he said.

He explained that the flooding has had a major impact on the business in the area.

The administration has spent Rp 2.81 billion to raise the level of the road in order to curb the flooding.

"The administration can set aside only Rp 425 million for the pump station project, which will cost Rp 1.92 billion (US$836,956)," he said.

Therefore, the private developers, who own buildings along the street were asked to help finance the pump station project, he said.

The Deputy Governor for Development Affairs TB M. Rais said that subdistrict and district heads should have been tougher about getting the developers to keep their promises. (yns)